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  • Author: Dupuis, Jacinthe

Date: 1997

Publication: Revue québécoise de linguistique

Volume: 25


Find in a Library: 14190595

De l'auteur: "On entend souvent dire que le français parlé par les Franco-Américains comporte un grand nombre d’anglicismes. L’étude d’un corpus recueilli auprès de 25 locuteurs franco-américains du…

  • Author: Brault, Gerard J.

Date: 1961-12

Publication: The French Review

Volume: 35

Language: en

Find in a Library: 481209222

Brault's essay is an explanation of the results of language tests taken by nine Franco-American French speakers, his evaluation of their levels of vocabulary, and his observations of their speech habits. The overall conclusion of his study partially…

  • Author: Bagate, Mariame
  • Author: Lemery, Jodie
  • Author: Martin, Veronique

Date: 2004-04 (printemps/spring)

Publication: Francophonies d'Amérique

Volume: 17

Language: fr

Find in a Library: 365528187

De Bagate, Lemery, et Martin: "Dans cet article, nous essayons de décrire le processus de transfert linguistique à Bristol. Nous présentons d’abord un bref historique de cette communauté francophone ainsi que des données…

  • Author: Deslauriers, Pierre

Date: 2002-spr/sum

Publication: Québec Studies

Volume: 33

Language: en; fr

Find in a Library: 60628349

Essay on the history and persistence of Québécois vacationing in Maine beach towns, and the relative transitions that both Québec tourists and New England beach cultures have made since the beginning of their nearly 150-year relationship in…