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  • Author: Déry, Daniel

Date: 2000-hiv/prin

Publication: Bulletin d'histoire politique

Volume: 8

Language: fr

Find in a Library: 36271232

Article journal sur la participation militaire des canadiens-français aux conflits américains: les guerres d'Indépendence et de Sécession, les Guerres mondiales, etc. Quelques descriptions des hommes canadien-français et…

  • Author: Matthews, F. Louise

Date: 1955-04-00

Publication: The French Review

Volume: 28

Language: en

Find in a Library: 137573897

Article describing French, French-Canadian, and Franco-American newspapers published in the US and Canada as useful classroom tools for language learning and cultural competency. Discussions of various relevant French-language periodicals, their…

  • Author: Frost, Juliana

Date: 1992

Thesis Type: M.A., English

Institution: Southern Connecticut State University

Language: en

Find in a Library: 29251610

Thesis on late twentieth-century New England Franco American literature and some of its creators - John Dufresne, Dorianne Laux, Steven Riel, Denis Ledoux, Susann Pelletier, Bill Tremblay, David Rivard - couched in a culture-specific analysis of…

  • Author: Anctil, Pierre

Date: 1981

Publication: Recherches sociographiques

Volume: 22

Language: fr

Find in a Library: 60688713, 1763510

Un portrait historique de la réponse publique au rapport infâme écrit par Carrol Wright et du Bureau of Labor Statistics du Massachusetts, 1881, dans le contexte de l'immigration canadienne-française classe ouvrière, de la…

  • Author: Lemay, Harding

Date: 1971

Language: en

Find in a Library: 136962

Find Online: OL6344414W

Memoir of famed television soap opera writer and playwright, Harding Lemay. From his tumultuous early youth - one of thirteen children - on a New York farm along the Canadian border, to his lonely escape to New York City at the age of 17 and the…

  • Author: Walker, David

Date: 1962-08-00

Publication: Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science

Volume: 28

Language: en

Find in a Library: 47075794, 833682

Interpretation of Franco American presidential voting behavior in Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island previous to 1962. Takes into account wavering levels of ethnic solidarity, changes in economic class position, religious…

  • Author: Richard, Mark Paul

Date: 1998 Spring

Publication: Québec Studies

Volume: 25

Language: en

Find in a Library: 60628349

Article describing religious institutions and mutual aid societies created by French Canadian immigrant communities in New England around the turn of the century. Their functions for social welfare, economic well-being, and medical necessity among…

  • Author: Findlay, James F.

Date: 1983-02-00

Publication: Rhode Island History

Volume: 42

Language: en

Find in a Library: 1696593

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Article describing the scope of the Great Textile Strike of 1934 in Rhode Island, in the midst of the Great Depression and the decline of the New England textile industry. The impact of the strike's upheavals on Rhode Island life in the 1930s. The…

  • Author: Blewett, Mary H.

Date: 2000

Language: en

Find in a Library: 42772687

Find Online: OL8605279M

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Book-length social history exploring the development of industry, industrial life, and the power of the politics surrounding them in southeastern New England - especially Fall River, Massachusetts - in the nineteenth century. Discussions of gender in…

  • Author: Lambert, Adélard

Date: 1927-00-00

Language: fr

Find in a Library: 6156497

Témoignage autobiographique d'un homme à Manchester, New Hampshire et sa relation avec les livres. Son accumulation à vie de milles de livres de "Canadiana" et "Franco-Americana," et les histoires qui l'accompagnent, vers leur lieu de repos…

  • Author: Rivard, Paul E.

Date: 2002

Language: en

Find in a Library: 48958482

Find Online: OL8793733M

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General history of the textile industry and its workers in the towns and cities of New England. From early domestic and small-scale manufacturing in the 17th and 18th centuries, to weaving industries of the early 19th, to the massive riverside brick…

  • Author: Barry, Dan

Date: 1988 June 5

Publication: Providence Sunday Journal

Language: English

Find in a Library: 9440205

Report on famed Woonsocket, Rhode Island woman of Catholic piety, Marie Rose Ferron, and the faith community that developed around her during her short life and after her death in 1936. The alleged stigmatist whose shrines continue to exist; whose…

  • Author: Cohen, Bruce

Date: 2004 summer

Publication: Historical Journal of Massachusetts

Volume: 32

Language: en

Find in a Library: 6420039

Article detailing the varying relationships between labor organizing, ethnic communities, members of the Catholic Church, and local journalism in Worcester, Masachusetts at the turn of the century. How ethnic and religious community identification…

  • Author: Quintal, Claire

Date: 2004/2005

Publication: Archives

Volume: 36

Language: fr

Find in a Library: 1639350

Read: Texte intégral (Association des archivistes du Québec)

Une brève étude sur les archives au Québec, au Nouveau-Brunswick, et dans la Nouvelle-Angleterre qui abritent des matériaux significatives à l'histoire des Franco-Américains et Acadiens dans le nord-est des États-Unis.…

  • Author: Daoust, Charles R.

Date: 1924-00-00

Language: Français

Find in a Library: 23390718

Livre de poèsie et de chansons. Écrites au Québec; en Ontario; dans plusieurs villes de la Nouvelle-Angleterre.

  • Author: Roby, Yves

Date: 1992-1993

Publication: Bulletin de la Société Historique Franco-Américaine

Language: fr

Find in a Library: 6284609

Un bref essai sur la grande émigration canadienne-française du Québec aux États-Unis au XIXe siècle. Une exploration des raisons économiques pour ce mouvement populaire entre 1840 et 1930; une explication des conditions de vie et…

  • Author: Fecteau, Edward

Date: 1945

Language: en

Find in a Library: 1312704

Find Online: OL6484968M

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Historical text on French, French Canadian, and Franco American persons significant to political, social, religious, and artistic life in the United States both before and after 1776 - from the early 17th century to the 1940s. Composed of…

  • Author: Shanahan, Brendan

Date: 2011

Publication: Journal of Transnational American Studies

Volume: 3

Language: English

Find in a Library: 173021502


Critical and historical analysis of of Honoré Beaugrand's 1877-1878 serialized novel, Jeanne la fileuse. Speculation on the author's political, social, and artistic motives for writing about nineteenth-century French Canadian emigration to New…

  • Author: Brigouleix, Bernard
  • Author: Gayral, Michèle

Date: 2008

Book Title: Ces Français qui ont fait l'Amérique

Language: French

Find in a Library: 232583864

Find Online: OL22693235M

Le douzième chapitre d'un texte historique sur le présence d'héritage français aux États-Unis jusqu'à aujourd'hui. Basé en grande partie sur les voyages des auteurs français aux États-Unis, entretiens et témoignages…

  • Author: O'Toole, James M.

Date: 1992-00 (1992/1993)

Publication: Bulletin de la Société Historique Franco-Américaine

Language: en

Find in a Library: 6284609

Journal publication of a brief presentation on the history of the Roman Catholic Church in the United States, with an emphasis on the prevalence of Catholicism among ethnic immigrant communities from the 19th century onward. Certain tensions between…

  • Author: Doty, C. Stewart

Date: 1989/1990-win

Publication: Journal of Canadian Studies/Revue d'études canadiennes

Volume: 24

Language: en

Find in a Library: 816138

Article on the changing roles of North American francophone intellectuals in New England in the 1920s and 1930s: from clerics and political leaders at home in Québec, to an attachment to the United States and a process of cultural conservation…

  • Author: Willis, John

Date: 2006

Book Title: Envoyer et recevoir : lettres et correspondances dans les diasporas francophones

Language: en, fr

Find in a Library: 76870372

Essay on the function of the personal letter in historiography. How trails of correspondence between French Canadians in Canada and the United States in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries tell us about French Canadian migration: migrants,…

  • Author: Tremblay, Rémi

Date: 1893

Language: Français

Find in a Library: 9590205

Un recueil de poèmes et un drame dans un acte par un poète, journaliste, et romancier canadien-français à Fall River, Massachusetts du 19ème siècle.

  • Author: Marguerite-Félicie, Soeur (Sr.)

Date: 1952

Language: fr

Find in a Library: 34155569

Find Online: OL12306665W

Le cinquantième anniversaire de l'arrivée des Filles du Saint-Espirit (dit les Soeurs Blanches) de Bretagne, en France, á la Nouvelle-Angleterre, précisement au diocèse de Hartford, Connecticut. Un récit de l'oeuvre accomplie par…

  • Author: Santerre, Richard Robert

Date: 1974

Thesis Type: Ph. D., Romance Languages and Literatures

Institution: Boston College

Language: fr

Find in a Library: 3043922

Une dissertation sur la littérature - le roman - franco-américaine : ses grands thèmes, ses auteurs dans la Nouvelle-Angleterre, et les historiques américaines et québécoises qui forment son contexte. Met…

  • Author: Southwick, Albert B.

Date: 2005 February 27

Publication: Worcester Telegram

Language: English

Find in a Library: 60621545

Opinion piece comparing 21st-century Mexican and other Latin American immigration in the United States with the late 19th- and early 20th-century immigration of Québécois and Acadian people from Canada to New England. Thoughts on historical…