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  • Author: Déry, Daniel

Date: 2000-hiv/prin

Publication: Bulletin d'histoire politique

Volume: 8

Language: fr

Find in a Library: 36271232

Article journal sur la participation militaire des canadiens-français aux conflits américains: les guerres d'Indépendence et de Sécession, les Guerres mondiales, etc. Quelques descriptions des hommes canadien-français et…

  • Author: Blaine, Nicholas
  • Author: Mancuso, Rebecca

Date: 2013-spr

Publication: 49th Parallel

Volume: 31

Language: en

Find in a Library: 124093360

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Article describing the participation of French and English Canadians in the United States Civil War. Justifications for participation - economic, political, personal, and otherwise - from primary and secondary source literature. Domestic Canadian and…

  • Author: Bouvier, Léon F.

Date: 1964

Publication: Recherches sociographiques

Volume: 5

Language: fr

Find in a Library: 60688713, 1763510

Analyse démographique du groupe ethnique canadien-français aux États-Unis ou dans la Nouvelle-Angleterre entre 1830 et 1950, utlisant des chiffres de la Bureau of the Census. Déscriptions historiques de l'immigration canadienne du…

  • Author: Anctil, Pierre

Date: 1981

Publication: Recherches sociographiques

Volume: 22

Language: fr

Find in a Library: 60688713, 1763510

Un portrait historique de la réponse publique au rapport infâme écrit par Carrol Wright et du Bureau of Labor Statistics du Massachusetts, 1881, dans le contexte de l'immigration canadienne-française classe ouvrière, de la…

  • Author: Beattie, Betsy

Date: 1992-spr

Publication: Vermont History : The Proceedings of the Vermont Historical Society

Volume: 60

Language: en

Find in a Library: 1773222

Article describing the growth of the French Canadian population in Vermont around the time of the American Civil War, and the differences of Canadian immigrant labor, property ownership, and political activity in select Vermont cities, as well as…

  • Author: Wolkovich-Valkavicius, William

Date: 1990-win

Publication: Historical Journal of Massachusetts

Volume: 18

Language: en

Find in a Library: 6420039, 60621443, 574619183

Article describing nativist, anti-Catholic sentiment in rural Massachusetts's Nashoba Valley in the nineteenth and early twentieth century - including the towns of Shirley, Groton, and Pepperell. Negative local attitudes toward Irish and French…

  • Author: Wilcox, Jerry

Date: 1982-fall

Publication: Journal of Family History

Volume: 7

Language: en

Find in a Library: 2514766, 40810113

Quantitative analysis of fertility rates among Irish and French Canadian immigrant families as compared to native Massachusetts families in two years of western Massachusetts census reporting: 1850 and 1880. Unique contribution to analyses of…

  • Author: Ouellette, Susan

Date: 2002-09 (fall)

Publication: New York History : Quarterly Journal of the New York State Historical Association

Volume: 83

Language: en

Find in a Library: 4862461, 605179974

Article discussing cultural and economic factors in the development of immigrant community and identity in Plattsburgh, New York, between 1850 and 1890 among French Canadians - the largest immigrant group of the time period in Plattsburgh. The impact…

  • Author: Beattie, Betsy

Date: 1989

Publication: Vermont History : The Proceedings of the Vermont Historical Society

Volume: 57

Language: en

Find in a Library: 1773222

Article characterizing the social and economic conditions surrounding Vermont's fluid French Canadian immigrant populations in Burlington and Colchester at the outset of 1850, and the ensuing decade's historical significance in the process of…

  • Author: LeBlanc, Robert G.

Date: 1983-03 (spring)

Publication: Québec Studies

Volume: 1

Language: en

Find in a Library: 60628349

Article describing the logics and methods of Québec repatriation from the United States around the turn of the century. The establishment of the Eastern Townships as a Québec repatriation colony, active solicitation of Franco Americans in the…

  • Author: Roby, Yves

Date: 1992-1993

Publication: Bulletin de la Société Historique Franco-Américaine

Language: fr

Find in a Library: 6284609

Un bref essai sur la grande émigration canadienne-française du Québec aux États-Unis au XIXe siècle. Une exploration des raisons économiques pour ce mouvement populaire entre 1840 et 1930; une explication des conditions de vie et…

  • Author: Robinson, Rowland E.

Date: 1892

Book Title: Vermont: A Study of Independence

Language: en

Find in a Library: 6004000, 12253287, 80324480

Find Online: OL1526487W

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Chapter 22 of a late nineteenth-century history of the state of Vermont: from the explorations of Samuel de Champlain to the 1890s. This chapter accounts for the outward flow of Vermont farmers and pioneers to the American Midwest and West - Ohio,…

  • Author: Morency, Jean

Date: 2006

Book Title: Envoyer et recevoir : lettres et correspondances dans les diasporas francophones

Language: fr

Find in a Library: 76870372

Un essai qui examine des lettres sélectionnées d'un intellectuel et un écrivain québécois aux États-Unis au début du XXe siècle - Louis Dantin - et ses pairs canadien-français - Olivar Asselin, Rosaire Dion-Lévesque, et…

  • Author: Arsenault, Idamay Michaud

Date: 1999

Language: en

Find in a Library: 43496038

Find Online: OL55423M

History of Worcester, Massachusett's Union Station. Its various shapes and transformations from its initial construction in 1875 and reconstruction in 1911, through its closure in 1964, to its 1999 restoration. The place of the station in French…

  • Author: Vicero, Ralph D.

Date: 1971-10

Publication: The Professional Geographer

Volume: 23

Language: en

Find in a Library: 6442093, 1587907

Paper describing the use of United States census material from between the dates of 1850-1880 to understand French Canadian migration and population growth in the counties of Vermont during the period surrounding the USA Civil War.

  • Author: Anctil, Pierre

Date: 1979-04

Publication: Cahiers de géographie du Québec

Volume: 23

Language: fr

Find in a Library: 60627975, 220726882, 60688637

Essai sur certains rélations entre l'émigration québécoise envers les Etats-Unis, la prolétarisation d'une population francophone nord-américaine, et la montée du nationalisme au Quebec à la…

  • Author: Roby, Yves

Date: 1987

Publication: Revue d'histoire de l'Amérique française

Volume: 41

Language: fr

Find in a Library: 1764125, 50870163

Un essai qui explore les changements dans les attitudes publiques au Québec - ceux des fonctionnaires, le clergé, et d'autres - vers les émigrants québécois aux Etats-Unis au 19e siècle. Comment et de quelle façon dès les…

  • Author: Early, Frances H.

Date: 1982 June

Publication: Journal of Family History

Volume: 7

Language: en

Find in a Library: 2514766, 40810113

Essay on the adaptation of French Canadian farm life to the environments and economies of urban, industrialized Lowell, Massachusetts in the late 19th century. The meanings of this adaptation for living conditions, child labor, and overall family…

  • Author: Chaput, Donald

Date: 1968

Publication: Canadian Historical Review

Volume: 49

Language: en

Find in a Library: 54828861, 1553108

Article on the idea of repatriation as integral to the history of French Canadian community building in the United States. Certain struggles and losses accompanying Canadian repatriation from the United States in the late 19th century, after extended…

  • Author: Colon, Jean

Date: 1908-11

Publication: La Revue Franco-Américaine

Volume: 2

Language: fr

Find in a Library: 445763455, 564957447

Quelques commentaires sur le rapatriement de Canadiens français des États-Unis à Québec. Certaines investissements dans l'infrastructure au Québec, comme pris par une banque franco-américaine de Rhode Island. Des descriptions de…

  • Author: Courville, Serge

Date: 2002

Language: fr

Find in a Library: 51281009

Find Online: OL2536995W

D'Editions MultiMonde: "L’un des traits marquants du XIXe siècle a été le grand brassage de population qui a déversé sur les mers du globe des dizaines de millions d’immigrants. Jamais, depuis la fin de l’empire…

  • Author: Green, Nancy L. (editor)
  • Author: Weil, François (editor)

Date: 2007

Language: en (translation)

Find in a Library: 69734523

English translation of "Citoyenneté et émigration: Les politiques du départ" (Éditions de l'École des hautes études en Sciences sociales, 2006). Collection of essays on migration, expatriation, and the perpetuation of…

  • Author: Bessette, Richard P.

Date: 2007

Language: en

Find in a Library: 164600253

Find Online: OL6039550W

Pictorial account of a family's immigration that begins in Europe and moves through Canada into the United States, ultimately to Chicago, Illinois's Southside in the 20th and 21st centuries.

  • Author: Cuomo, Donna Fournier

Date: 1977

Book Title: Immigration in American Life: Graduate Seminar Research Papers on North Shore Selected Topics

Language: en

Find in a Library: 19571844

Descriptions of Franco American people and community in Lawrence, Massachusetts. One essay in a collection of graduate-level academic essays on immigration and ethnicity in Massachusetts and the United States. From a seminar in the study of history,…

  • Author: Paradis, Wilfrid Henry

Date: 1949

Thesis Type: M.A.

Institution: St. Mary's Seminary

Language: en

Find in a Library: 11477573

Master's thesis on the impact of French-Canadian immigration, labor, religion, and community-building in the industrial city of Manchester, New Hampshire, in the nineteenth century. Approaches this community before its more recent periods of growth…

  • Author: Paquet, Gilles
  • Author: Smith, Wayne R.

Date: 1983-09

Publication: L'Actualité économique

Volume: 59

Language: fr

Find in a Library: 113277240

Analyse sur l'émigration canadien-français aux États-Unis en mémoire de l'oeuvre d'Albert Faucher, et utilisant des donnees économiques dans la région nord-est pour tenter d'expliquer les schémas de migration correspondantes.

  • Author: Ramirez, Bruno

Date: 2001-04

Publication: Journal of American Ethnic History

Volume: 20

Language: en

Find in a Library: 49605417, 7845143

Brief historiographical piece that begins with discrepancies between Canadian and American data on Canadian migrants to the United States. Concerning studies of continental migration - both empirical and theoretical, international statistics on…