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  • Author: Martel, Marcel

Date: 2006

Book Title: Envoyer et recevoir : lettres et correspondances dans les diasporas francophones

Language: fr; en

Find in a Library: 76870372

Une exploration de la correspondance par lettre d'un père à son fils au début du XXe siècle, entre deux villes de la Nouvelle-Angleterre - Rutland, Vermont et Springfield, Massachusetts. L'étude d'une correspondance privée afin de…

  • Author: Hendrickson, Dyke

Date: 1980

Language: en

Find in a Library: 6627420

Find Online: OL4117174M

Historical overview of Franco Americans in New England. 27 interviews that lend personality, locality, and intimacy to the author's history. Hendrickson's work has led to his being quoted as a commentator on immigrant labor history in an exhibit of…