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  • Author: Cerquiglini, Bernard

Date: 2010-10

Publication: Glottopol: Revue de sociolinguistique en ligne

Volume: 16

Language: fr

Find in a Library: 163640790

De l'auteur: "Ce texte porte sur la langue française telle qu'elle se parle en Louisiane depuis près de quatre siècles. Après un bref rappel de ses sources (français hexagonal, créole, acadien, etc), l'auteur s'intéresse aux…

  • Author: Sharrow, Gregory L.

Date: 2002-11-00

Publication: Visit'n: Conversations with Vermonters

Volume: 8

Language: en

Find in a Library: 36559489

Article compiled from oral history interviews of Vermont musicians in the twentieth century. Featured in the Vermont Folklife Center's annual publication, "Visit'n." From the Vermont Historical Society: "Includes reminisces by Franco-American fiddler…

  • Author: Levine, Ben (director)

Date: 2003

Language: English, with some français

Find in a Library: 64637065

Documentary film about Franco American culture and language in New England. Press release from Watching Place Productions: "Explores the struggle for cultural survival among the French-Canadian, Franco-American communities of New England. It reveals…

  • Author: Choquette, Leslie

Date: 2002 Spring/Summer

Publication: Québec Studies

Volume: 33

Language: Français

Find in a Library: 60628349

"Par le mythe de la Nouvelle-France," Choquette écrit, "je veux dire la persistance...d'un vision nostalgique du Québec." Alors, elle commence à décrire en quelle façon les écritures de Camille Lessard et Honoré Beaugrand - deux…

  • Author: Brière, Eloise A.

Date: 2002 Spring/Summer

Publication: Québec Studies

Volume: 33

Language: Français

Find in a Library: 60628349

Un essai qui explore l'étendue de l'imagination culturel des écrivains culturellement hybride en Amérique. De l'auteur: "Dans quelle mesure les Haitiens devenus écrivains Québécois ou les Canadiens-francais devenus écrivains…

  • Author: Chabot, Grégoire

Date: 2002 Spring/Summer

Publication: Québec Studies

Volume: 33

Language: Français

Find in a Library: 60628349

Certains écrits sur plusieurs des particularités (ou "idiosyncracies") des Franco-Américains, leurs croyances, et leurs difficultés. Des extraits du texte en plein. De l'auteur: "Anyway, j'trouve que ça vaut le peine d'examiner un peu…

  • Author: Dawley, Alan

Date: 1981 Autumn - 1982 Spring

Publication: Labour/Le Travail

Volume: 8/9

Language: en

Find in a Library: 181819835

Essay on the divisions of power and labor in industrialized American economies - more specifically, mill towns - as transformations of earlier forms of authority in America. Uses the thought-work of Marx, Durkheim, and Weber, as well as the social…

  • Author: Boudreaux, Elia

Date: 1940 March

Publication: The Modern Language Journal

Volume: 24

Language: English

Find in a Library: 1642244, 41157033

A 1938-1939 argument in favor of increasing the number of Louisiana public elementary schools that teach the French language, and some thoughts on best practices in the implementation of educational programs. From the author: "This paper contains a…

  • Author: DeRoche, Celeste

Date: 1996 December

Publication: The Oral History Review

Volume: 23

Language: English

Find in a Library: 1793844, 45954894

Historiographical essay on the dearth and fragmentation of source material relevant to working class Franco Americans - especially Franco American women. Considers the published reality that is "la survivance" in relation to the lived realities of…

  • Author: Chase, Kim

Date: 1998 Summer

Publication: South Road: The Literary Journal of Martha's Vineyard

Volume: 1

Language: English, with some français

Find in a Library: 40561813

Short prose piece that comes out of the distance between a dying mother who loses her ability to speak English, and a searching daughter who, unlike her older siblings, can neither speak nor understand her mother's French.

  • Author: Akin, William E.

Date: 2009

Publication: NINE: A Journal of Baseball History and Culture

Volume: 17

Language: en

Find in a Library: 45629425

Read: Preview

Review of Charlie Bevis' 2008 history of the New England League - a minor baseball league that entertained the US Northeast for decades around the turn of the century.

  • Author: Ducharme, Jacques

Date: 1943

Language: en

Find in a Library: 932931

Find Online: OL6450417M

Book-length reflection on a personal journey through New England to learn about French-Canadian immigration and Franco American identity there. Permeated with personal anecdotes, comments on language, race, and genealogy, and perhaps the first…

  • Author: Shideler, Janet Lee

Date: 1998

Language: English

Find in a Library: 32273493

The published book form of Shideler's 1991 Ph.D. thesis from the University of Massachusetts. A biographical study of a québécoise and first-generation Franco American author and her works - as a means, Shideler writes, "to identify the…

  • Author: Banks, Ann

Date: 1980 (1991)

Language: en

Find in a Library: 6448346

Find Online: OL7452912M

Edited and annotated compilation of oral histories from the Federal Writers' Project of the 1930s Works Progress/Projects Administration (WPA) in the United States. These selections come mostly in the form of short passages that aspiring writers…

  • Author: Manseau, Peter

Date: 2005

Language: English

Find in a Library: 60373489

The biography of a Catholic nun and a Catholic priest in Boston, Massachusetts - their work and their faith, their marriage and their family - written by their son. Moves through the author's youth and his own unique relationship with faith and…

  • Author: Guillet, Ernest

Date: 1981

Language: Français

Find in a Library: 8528395

Une histoire de théâtre - ses peuples et ses spectacles - franco-américain à Holyoke, Massachusetts, et dans la Nouvelle-Angleterre. Met un accent sur la période entre 1900 et 1940.

  • Author: Gosselin, Henri

Date: 2001

Language: English

Find in a Library: 47671730

Fictional account of a French missionary to the Huron people in colonial New France on the eastern half of modern-day Canada. From the back of the text: "A historical novel based on the true story of Eustache Lambert's heroic service as a devoted…

  • Author: Gosselin, Henri

Date: 1998

Language: English (traduction en français disponible)

Find in a Library: 42249878

Historical fiction piece about a French Canadian spy participating in the American Revolution and risking, from the threats of his Canadian bishop, excommunication from the Catholic Church. Based on actual events.

  • Author: Genest, Eloise

Date: 2001

Language: English

Find in a Library: 49396582

A 21st-century novel about Louisiana's colonial period, and the demise of French power on the North American continent before the end of the 1700s.. From " It is the period of the Enlightenment in France and Europe, and early French…

  • Author: Gelineau, Christine (editor)
  • Author: Bedell, Jack (editor)

Date: 2007

Language: English

Find in a Library: 183201916

A collection of poetry and essays written by and for Franco America. Varying artistic and literary expressions from writers who share - at least to some degree - in a similar cultural reality. From the editor's website: "This anthology began with an…

  • Author: Gaudreau, Carmen

Date: 1979

Language: Français

Find in a Library: 9985372

Une histoire pour les enfants de deux petits souris qui apprennent aÌ€ faire le sirop d'érable. Ecrit pour la salle de classe française. Illustrée par des dessins en noir et blanc. A children's story about two mice who learn…

  • Author: Fuller, Robert G., Jr.

Date: 2009

Language: English

Find in a Library: 466715527

A crime novel set in a small fictional Maine town. Written by local attorney and resident of Central Maine. From the author's website: "Why would anyone want to kill Harvey Coburn? This question perplexes Maine state police detective Martin Counihan.…

  • Author: Fillion, Maurice C.

Date: 2006

Language: English

Find in a Library: 72521692

Autobiography of a New Hampshire man and his "search for personal identity" through ethnicity and religion, in and out of the lifestyle of a Roman Catholic Priest. From the back cover: "Maurice Fillion was five when his father died. Singled out by…

  • Author: Field, Rachel

Date: 1931

Language: English

Find in a Library: 4411669

Young adult novel about a French girl orphaned upon her arrival in America. Follows her through the loss of her family, her adaptations to servitude, and her coming-of-age in the New World. Winner of a Newbery Honor Award for youth literature in…

  • Author: Chassé, Paul P.

Date: 1977

Language: Français, with some English

Find in a Library: 5280413

Un livre qui raconte les vies de quelques franco-américain(e)s artistiques dans les milieux de l'écrire, le peintre, la poésie, les chansons, etc. Des sélections de leurs ouevres populaires. Présenté avec des…

  • Author: Chassé, Paul P.

Date: 1976

Language: Français and English

Find in a Library: 4499336

Une collection de la poésie franco-américaine du vingtième siècle. Publiée en Rhode Island, se concerne avec les francos de la toute de la Nouvelle-Angleterre. Le plus des poèmes sont écrites en francais, mais en les plus…

  • Author: Chartier, Armand

Date: 1981

Language: Français

Find in a Library: 10358959

From the catalog description: "A 'petite anthologie' of ten 19th and 20th century French-American authors." Includes selections from their work, chosen as literary representations of the Franco American ethnic reality up to the second half of the…

  • Author: Charters, Ann

Date: 1973

Language: English

Find in a Library: 6065241

Seminal biography of native of Lowell, Massachusetts, Franco American, novelist, and poet, Jack Kerouac. Republished in 1994. Written by Ann Charters, who worked with Kerouac during the final three years of his life. In her writing of this book,…

  • Author: Chabot, Grégoire

Date: 1996

Language: Français and English

Find in a Library: 34983292

Grégoire Chabot’s triple collection sits English and French texts face-to-face in a small variety of dramatics and family humor, where characters carry in tow a heavy load of self-pity, but where comedic endings refuse to resign any one of…

  • Author: Cather, Willa

Date: 1931

Language: English

Find in a Library: 167912

Novel set in seventeenth-century Canada - New France - maneuvering between a widower, his family and guests, and the great political figures of the time. Written by Cather out of a brief obsession with Québec and French Canada in the early…