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  • Author: Lovejoy, David

Date: 1989 November 17

Publication: Kennebec Journal

Language: English

Find in a Library: 8814143, 60630676

Letter to the editor in support of the 1989 decision of Augusta, Maine's Le Club Calumet to reject the membership application of a woman, Nancy Albert Ellis, and remain an all-male organization.

  • Author: Cartwright, Steve

Date: 1989 November 21

Publication: Kennebec Journal

Language: English

Find in a Library: 8814143, 60630676

The Maine Human Rights Commission ruled that Le Club Calumet, an all-male Franco American social club in Augusta, Maine, discriminated when it refused membership to a woman applicant. The article contains commentary from arguing members of the Club…

  • Author: Hale, Karlene K.

Date: 1989 November 22

Publication: Kennebec Journal

Language: English

After the Maine Human Rights Commission ruled that she had been discriminated against when denied membership at Le Club Calumet, a Franco American social club, Nancy Albert Ellis considered filing charges in court. Many members of the Club, in her…

  • Author: Berube, Lila

Date: 1989 November 25

Publication: Kennebec Journal

Language: English

Find in a Library: 8814143, 60630676

Letter to the editor lauding the women who volunteer at the all-male Franco American social club, Le Club Calumet, in Augusta, Maine, without becoming club members. Comes in response to the controversy of a woman whose attempt at membership in the…

  • Author: Shaw, Elizabeth

Date: 1989 November 28

Publication: Kennebec Journal

Language: English

Find in a Library: 8814143, 60630676

Letter to the editor that argues (tongue-in-cheek?) how the gender of the French term "le club" is reason enough for Le Club Calumet of Augusta, Maine, to justify rejecting a woman's application for membership in 1989.

  • Author: Berube, Lila

Date: 1989 November 28

Publication: Kennebec Journal

Language: English

Find in a Library: 8814143, 60630676

Letter to the editor arguing that if Le Club Calumet, a Franco-American social club in Augusta, Maine, is forced by the Maine courts to admit women, and is thereby ruled a "public" organization, it will no longer be able to limit its membership based…

  • Author: Casey, Terrence C.

Date: 1989 November 28

Publication: Kennebec Journal

Language: English

Find in a Library: 8814143, 60630676

Letter to the editor that asks whether discrimination based on gender is different from discrimination based on ethnicity, and if Le Club Calumet, a Franco-American social club in Augusta, Maine, is not allowed by its private status to limit its…

  • Author: Hale, Karlene K.

Date: 1989 November 29

Publication: Kennebec Journal

Language: English

Find in a Library: 8814143, 60630676

After the Maine Human Rights Commission deemed Le Club Calumet - an Augusta, Maine, Franco-American men's club - discriminatory for not admitting women as members, the Club was forced to decide if it would change its policies regarding membership or…

  • Author: Violette, Maurice

Date: 1989 December 1

Publication: Kennebec Journal

Language: English

Find in a Library: 8814143, 60630676

Maurice Violette, past president of Augusta, Maine's Le Club Calumet and author of "The Franco-Americans" (New York: Vantage Press, 1976), writes about the bias he sees in the Kennebec Journal's editorial commentary on the Club controversy of…

  • Author: Poulin, Victoria

Date: 1989 December 2

Publication: Kennebec Journal

Language: English

Find in a Library: 8814143, 60630676

Letter to the editor in response to Nancy Albert Ellis' objection to being refused membership in Le Club Calumet, a Franco-American social club in Augusta, Maine. Letter writer cites the Club's right to legislate as a private organization, even to…

  • Author: Shaw, Elizabeth

Date: 1989 December 7

Publication: Kennebec Journal

Language: English

Find in a Library: 8814143, 60630676

Letter to the editor criticizing the comments of Le Club Calumet's legal representation, Norman Bourget, and giving thanks to the 1989 decision by the Maine Human Rights Commission declaring the Club discriminatory for its refusal to admit women as…

  • Author: St. Hilaire, Edith

Date: 1989 December 7

Publication: Kennebec Journal

Language: English

Find in a Library: 8814143, 60630676

Letter to the editor claiming that the Maine Human Rights Commission discriminated against the Franco-American community when it ruled that Le Club Calumet was a public organization and should admit women as members - or else be taken to court on…

  • Author: Lovejoy, David

Date: 1989 December 15

Publication: Kennebec Journal

Language: English

Find in a Library: 8814143, 60630676

Letter to the editor acknowledging the problems that would potentially arise for Le Club Calumet - an all-male Franco American social club in Augusta, Maine - if it were declared public by the judicial system, and thus forced by law to admit women as…

  • Author: Ferch, David

Date: 1990 March 20

Publication: Kennebec Journal

Language: English

Find in a Library: 8814143, 60630676

Le Club Calumet seeks approval from the court for its decision to exclude women from membership in its organization: one that the Maine Human Rights Commission deemed "public," and thus discriminatory in its sexed bylaws.

  • Author: Laberge, Mike

Date: 1990 March 23

Publication: Kennebec Journal

Language: English

Find in a Library: 8814143, 60630676

Article on public comments made by Le Club Calumet following its lawsuit against the Maine Human Rights Commission. Maine HRC previously ruled that the Club was breaking a law of public organization when it refused to admit a woman as a member.

  • Author: Ferch, David

Date: 1990 April 3

Publication: Kennebec Journal

Language: English

Find in a Library: 8814143, 60630676

The Maine Human Rights Commission fired back at Le Club Calumet by filing a lawsuit of its own (in response to the Club's suit against the HRC) contending that the Club discriminated in its refusal of membership to a woman based on her sex.

  • Author: Frost, Albert A.

Date: 1990 April 14

Publication: Kennebec Journal

Language: English

Find in a Library: 8814143, 60630676

Letter to the editor questioning the Maine Human Rights Commission's decision to sue le Club Calumet of Augusta, Maine. MHRC asserted the unlawful discrimination inherent to the Club's bylaws that restrict membership based on sex.

  • Author: Ferch, David

Date: 1991 May 10

Publication: Kennebec Journal

Language: English

Find in a Library: 8814143, 60630676

Article on the arguments heard in Kennebec County Superior Court, Augusta, Maine, in a case of the Maine Human Rights Commission versus Le Club Calumet, a Franco-American fraternal organization.

  • Author: Hale, Karlene K.

Date: 1991 August 3

Publication: Kennebec Journal

Language: English

Find in a Library: 8814143, 60630676

In a 1991 ruling, the Kennebec County Superior Court decided that Le Club Calumet, a Franco American fraternal organization in Augusta, Maine, was a public organization , and therefore could not exclude women from its membership - as it had done for…

  • Author: Laberge, Mike

Date: 1991 August 27

Publication: Kennebec Journal

Language: English

Find in a Library: 8814143, 60630676

Le Club Calumet of Augusta, Maine, decided to appeal a decision of the Kennebec County Superior Court that deemed the Club a public organization, and thus prevented by law from excluding women from its historically all-male membership.

  • Author: Kennebec Journal Editorial Staff

Date: 1991 August 30

Publication: Kennebec Journal

Language: English

Find in a Library: 8814143, 60630676

Editorial piece arguing that Augusta, Maine, fraternal organization Le Club Calumet, appealing a ruling that charged it with sex discrimination, should reconsider its position and "alter its men-only policy for membership."

  • Author: Poulain, Jean-Paul

Date: 1991 August 30

Publication: Kennebec Journal

Language: English

Find in a Library: 8814143, 60630676

Guest article written by Franco-American performer, Jean-Paul Poulain, on the need to preserve Le Club Calumet as a private organization. This piece comes amidst the controversy surrounding a county court ruling that the Augusta, Maine, Club was…

  • Author: Kennebec Journal Editorial Staff

Date: 1991 September 4

Publication: Kennebec Journal

Language: English

Find in a Library: 8814143, 60630676

After being forced by the Kennebec County Superior Court to admit women members, Le Club Calumet of Augusta, Maine, objected, and claimed to consider filing an appeal.

  • Author: Cartwright, Steve

Date: 1991 September 5

Publication: Kennebec Journal

Language: English

Find in a Library: 8814143, 60630676

Editorial piece arguing that Le Club Calumet should, as directed by the Kennebec County Superior Court, admit women as members, and discontinue the membership policy of its Augusta, Maine, establishment that is arguably based in part on sex…

  • Author: Ricker, Peg

Date: 1991 September 6

Publication: Kennebec Journal

Language: English

Find in a Library: 8814143, 60630676

Letter to the editor written in response to a guest column penned by Augusta, Maine performer, Jean-Paul Poulain. This letter addresses the need for cultural sensitivity, but argues that women must be involved - including at the level of membership…

  • Author: Hale, Karlene K.

Date: 1991 September 12

Publication: Kennebec Journal

Language: English

Find in a Library: 8814143, 60630676

Augusta, Maine's Le Club Calumet canceled its 1991 anniversary celebration. The Club cited a lack of participation.

  • Author: Fongemie, Pauly

Date: 1991 September 30

Publication: Kennebec Journal

Language: English

Find in a Library: 8814143, 60630676

Letter to the editor rebuffing a previous letter written by Peg Ricker (6 September 1991), and supporting the all-male membership of Augusta, Maine, social club, Le Club Calumet, for the sake of "gender bonding," among other reasons.

  • Author: Charon, Michelle

Date: 1991 October 5-6

Publication: Kennebec Journal

Language: English

Find in a Library: 8814143, 60630676

A commentary on the headline article of this issue, "Women in the Clubs," that elaborates a discussion of Nancy Albert Ellis. In 1988, Ellis was refused membership to the all-male Franco American social club, Le Club Calumet, of Augusta, Maine, and…

  • Author: Violette, Maurice

Date: 1991 October 9

Publication: Kennebec Journal

Language: English

Find in a Library: 8814143, 60630676

A lengthy open letter concerning the potential effects of Kennebec County Superior Court's ruling against Le Club Calumet, charging it to begin admitting women into the membership ranks of its historically all-male establishment in Augusta, Maine.…

  • Author: Michaud, Gerald P.

Date: 1991 October 14

Publication: Kennebec Journal

Language: English

Find in a Library: 8814143, 60630676

A letter to the editor in response to Maurice Violette's "An Open Letter..." (9 October 1991), contesting Violette's fixation on the matter of "public vs. private" as the keystone of the debate surrounding Le Club Calumet's recent Kennebec County,…