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- Author: Mazzone, Philip C.
- Author: Costello, Michael
Date: 2000
Book Title: Salt Omnibus
Language: English
Tags: Aroostook County ME, Augusta ME, Caribou ME, Community: Customs and Social Life, Eustis ME, Forestry, Fort Kent ME, Greenville ME, Houlton ME, Jackman ME, Maine, Millinocket ME, Moosehead Lake Region, Nonfiction, Nonfiction -- History -- Documentary, Nonfiction -- Sports, Rangeley ME, Rockwood ME, Spencer MA, Sports and Leisure
- Author: Calvert, Mary
Date: 1983
Language: en
Find in a Library: 10864362
Find Online: OL2769967W
Tags: Augusta ME, Bingham ME, Brunswick ME, Community: Customs and Social Life, Concord ME, Dresden ME, Emigration and Immigration, England, Europe, Eustis ME, Exploration and Colonization, Fairfield ME, France, Geography, Georgetown ME, Hallowell ME, Kennebec River Valley, Madison ME, Maine, Moosehead Lake Region, Native Americans, Nonfiction, Nonfiction -- History -- Religion, Norridgewock ME, Phippsburg ME, Pittston ME, Québec, Religion, Sidney ME, Solon ME, Starks ME, Vassalboro ME, War, Waterville ME, Wells ME, Winslow ME, Woolwich ME, York ME