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  • Author: Provencher Faucher, Doris

Date: 2006

Language: English

Find in a Library: 122407531

Third novel in "Le Québécois" series. From Artenay Press: "Three decades of colonial peace and prosperity follow the Treaty of Utrecht. Bastien's three succeeding generations migrate to settle south and west along the Saint Lawrence…

  • Author: Proulx, E. Annie

Date: 1996

Language: English

Find in a Library: 34515071

A startlingly inclusive selection of a century's worth of American immigrant vignettes tied together by the movement of a single accordion. For immigration studies, it is a portrayal attentive in sentiment and beckoning in its concern for the new…

  • Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth

Date: 1897 (1847)

Language: en

Find in a Library: 27193052

Find Online: OL496004W

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Maine native Longfellow's epic poem about "le Grand Dérangement" - the Acadian Expulsion - and one Acadian woman's search for her love lost. First published in 1847.

  • Author: Stelling, Louis E.

Date: 2008

Thesis Type: Ph. D., Linguistics

Institution: State University of New York at Albany

Language: en

Find in a Library: 291091271

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From the author: "Although the originally French speaking Franco-American communities of Southbridge, Massachusetts, and Woonsocket, Rhode Island, have much in common historically, language shift toward English has advanced to differing degrees in…

  • Author: Kelley, Henry Edward

Date: 1980

Thesis Type: Ph. D., Linguistics

Institution: Cornell University

Language: en; fr

Find in a Library: 13275797

From the author: "The first section of the present study consists of a historical survey of the Franco-American community, examining those factors, such as the existence of a network of bilingual parochial schools, which were significant for language…

  • Author: Hickey, John

Date: 1976


Find in a Library: 3269655

Compilation of information on resources, repositories, references, and research tools available for the study of Franco American history and cultural identity in New England. Lists specific archival collections and their locations; library…

  • Author: Takai, Yukari

Date: 2010

Publication: The Canadian Historical Review

Volume: 91

Language: en

Find in a Library: 636583583

Review of two 2008 history texts on French America: "Franco-Amérique," by Dean Louder and Eric Waddell, and "Loyal but French: The Negotiation of Identity by French-Canadian Descendants in the United States," by Mark Paul Richard.

  • Author: LeBlanc, Robert G.

Date: 1967

Publication: Cahiers de géographie du Québec

Volume: 11

Language: en

Find in a Library: 60627975

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A concise account of the Acadian migrations between 1750 and 1800, including intercontinental migration routes, community prevalance, and the political context that motivated such a tumultuous half-century in and out of Atlantic Canada.

  • Author: Kalijarvi, T.V.

Date: 1942-01

Publication: The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science

Volume: 223

Language: en

Find in a Library: 479889934

Essay on general attitudes toward French Canadians and Franco Americans in the United States, and descriptions of the customs of this immigrated ethnic group in the 1940s.

  • Author: Jacobson, Phyllis L.

Date: 1984 April

Publication: The French Review

Volume: 57


Find in a Library: 481493127

Article aimed at informing teachers about students of Franco-American heritage, and recounting the particular past experiences of ethnic Francos in New England schools. Recent public efforts at bilingual and bicultural education in New England.…

  • Author: Heylen, Romy

Date: 1994 February

Publication: The French Review

Volume: 67


Find in a Library: 1238339

Article exploring the development of Cajun ethnic identity through its iterations in modern theatrical performance in Louisiana, in a period of apparent ethnic revival. How Cajun theatre and its use of the French language function in terms of shaping…

  • Author: Hagel, Phyllis L.

Date: 1978 April

Publication: The Modern Language Journal

Volume: 62


Find in a Library: 479328343

Essay encouraging the French language teachers in the US - primarily in the Northeast and Lousiana - to "raise their 'cultural consciousness'" of the Franco cultural heritage populations in which they potentially teach. A brief layout of accessible…

  • Author: Carroll, Robert C.

Date: 1980-05

Publication: Association of Departments of Foreign Languages Bulletin

Volume: 11

Language: en

Find in a Library: 3366503

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Rise and decline of French language media and academic programs in the US Northeast, as well as the persistence of discrimination against the North American French, with Maine as the primary context for observation. Includes tables of Maine county…

  • Author: Belcourt, S.N.A.

Date: 1923-05-00

Publication: The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science

Volume: 107

Language: en

Find in a Library: 479566389

Brief essay from an early twentieth-century Canadian senator on the presence of French Canadians in the United States and the provinces of Canada.