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- Author: Dufresne, John
Date: 1991 (1997)
Language: en
Find in a Library: 21677261
Find Online: OL2644840W
Tags: Baton Rouge LA, Boston MA, Community: Customs and Social Life, Death and Disaster, Family, Florida, Gorham ME, Irish Americans, Lake Winepesaukee NH, Leominster MA, Literary Works, Literary Works -- Fiction, Literary Works -- Short fiction, Louisiana, Lowell MA, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Old Orchard Beach ME, Orono ME, Providence RI, Saco ME, Sanford ME, Scarborough ME, Violence, Worcester MA
- Author: Candee, Richard M.
Date: 1982
Publication: Perspectives in Vernacular Architecture
Volume: 1
Language: en
Find in a Library: 71305819
Tags: Berwick ME, Blackstone River Valley, Boston MA, Central Falls RI, Centreville CT, Chelmsford MA, Chicopee MA, Clayville (RI), Concord River VAlley, Connecticut, Dover NH, Fiskeville RI, Harris (RI), Lowell MA, Maine, Manchester NH, Massachusetts, Merrimack River Valley, Mills and Mill Work, Moosup CT, New England, New Hampshire, Nonfiction, Nonfiction -- Art and Architecture, Nonfiction -- History -- Economic and Industrial, Nonfiction -- History -- Labor and Social, Pawtucket RI, Peterborough (NH), Portsmouth NH, Providence RI, Rhode Island, Saco ME, Salmon Falls NH, Somersworth NH, Southbridge MA, Stow (MA), Vermont, Waltham MA, Willimantic CT, Woonsocket RI, Worcester MA
- Author: Quintal, Claire (rédactrice)
Date: 1990
Language: fr
Find in a Library: 23951441
Tags: Acadia, Albion RI, Augusta ME, Beecher Falls VT, Berlin NH, Biddeford ME, Blackstone MA, Burlington VT, Cascade (NH), Central Falls RI, Chicopee MA, Clubs and Societies, Cohoes NY, Conference Proceedings, Connecticut, Education, Emigration and Immigration, France, Gardner MA, Gilbertville MA, Glens Falls NY, Goffstown NH, Hartford CT, Haverhill MA, Holyoke MA, Ipswich MA, Island Pond VT, Language and Linguistics, Lawrence MA, Lewiston ME, Lisbon ME, Lowell MA, Lynn MA, Madawaska ME, Maine, Manchester NH, Manville RI, Marieville RI, Marlboro MA, Massachusetts, Mexico ME, New Hampshire, New London CT, New York, Nonfiction, Nonfiction -- Education, North Adams MA, North America, Northampton MA, Ottawa ON, Pittsfield MA, Providence RI, Putnam CT, Québec, Religion, Rhode Island, Rutland VT, Saco ME, Southbridge MA, Springvale ME, Three Rivers (Mass.), Trumbull (CT), Turners Falls (Mass.), Tyngsboro (MA), Vermont, Ware MA, Webster MA, West Warwick RI, Westbrook ME, Whitinsville MA, Willimantic CT, Winchendon MA, Woonsocket RI, Worcester MA, Youth
- Author: Devino, W. Stanley
- Author: Raphaelson, Arnold H.
- Author: Storer, James H.
Date: 1966
Volume: 84
Language: en
Find in a Library: 238142
Tags: Adams MA, Arctic (R.I.), Biddeford ME, Brattleboro VT, Business and Economics, Central Village CT, Clyde (RI), Connecticut, Crompton (RI), Danielson CT, Death and Disaster, Government and Politics, Labor History, Lippit (RI), Maine, Massachusetts, Mills and Mill Work, Moosup CT, Nashua NH, Natick RI, New Hampshire, Nonfiction, Nonfiction -- History -- Economic and Industrial, Old Orchard Beach ME, Pawtuxet River Valley, Phoenix (RI), Plainfield CT, Providence RI, Quinebaug River Valley, Rhode Island, Riverpoint RI, Saco ME, Sanford ME, South Carolina, Vermont, Wauregan CT, West Warwick RI
- Author: Potholm, Christian P.
Date: 2009
Publication: The New England Journal of Political Science
Volume: 4
Language: en
Find in a Library: 54021556
Read: Full Text
Tags: Androscoggin County ME, Aroostook County ME, Auburn ME, Augusta ME, Brunswick ME, Cape Elizabeth (Maine), Ethnicity and Collective Identity, Gender and Sexuality, Government and Politics, Hancock County ME, Kittery ME, Lewiston ME, Lincoln County ME, Lisbon Falls ME, Lisbon ME, Maine, Nonfiction, Nonfiction -- Government and Politics, Penobscot County ME, Saco ME, Sanford ME, Skowhegan ME, Waldo County ME, War, Washington DC, Waterville ME, Westbrook ME
- Author: Rivard, Paul E.
Date: 2002
Language: en
Find in a Library: 48958482
Find Online: OL8793733M
Read: Preview
Tags: Alna ME, Andover MA, Androscoggin River Valley, Augusta ME, Berlin NH, Billerica MA, Blackstone River Valley, Braintree MA, Brunswick ME, Business and Economics, Chelmsford MA, Clinton MA, Dedham MA, Dover NH, Dracut MA, Dudley MA, Emigration and Immigration, England, Fall River MA, Gardiner ME, Gonic NH, Hallowell ME, Harrisville NH, Holden MA, Holyoke MA, Irish Americans, Kingston NH, Labor History, Laconia NH, Lawrence MA, Lewiston ME, Lincoln RI, Londonderry NH, Lovell ME, Lowell MA, Ludlow MA, Maine, Manchester NH, Manville RI, Massachusetts, Merrimack River Valley, Middlefield (N.Y.), Mills and Mill Work, Nashua NH, New Bedford MA, New England, Newburyport MA, Nonfiction, Nonfiction -- History -- Economic and Industrial, Pawtucket RI, Personal History: Biography and Oral History, Portsmouth NH, Providence RI, Quequechan River Valley, Rhode Island, Rockville CT, Rowley (Mass.), Saco ME, Salem MA, Salem NH, Sanford ME, Slatersville RI, Somersworth NH, South Waterford (Me.), Springvale ME, St. John River Valley, Taunton MA, Ware MA, Warren RI, Webster MA, Winthrop ME, Worcester MA, Yarmouth (Maine), York ME
- Author: Quintal, Claire
Date: 2004/2005
Publication: Archives
Volume: 36
Language: fr
Find in a Library: 1639350
Read: Texte intégral (Association des archivistes du Québec)
Tags: Aroostook County ME, Auburn ME, Biddeford ME, Bridgeport CT, Burlington VT, Central Falls RI, Clubs and Societies, Demography, Emigration and Immigration, Fall River MA, Fitchburg MA, Hartford CT, Holyoke MA, Journalism, Lawrence MA, Lewiston ME, Lowell MA, Manchester NH, Massachusetts, Nashua NH, New Bedford MA, New Brunswick, New England, Nonfiction, Nonfiction -- French in North America, Nonfiction -- Historiography, North Brookfield MA, Norwich CT, Pawtucket RI, Providence RI, Québec, Religion, Saco ME, Vermont, Ware MA, Woonsocket RI, Worcester MA
- Author: House, Robert G.
Date: 1974-06-12
Language: en; fr
Find in a Library: Unknown
- Author: Brault, GeÌrard J.
- Author: Valdman, Albert (rédacteur)
Date: 1979
Book Title: Le français hors de France
Language: fr
Find in a Library: 299352018
Tags: Adams MA, Auburn ME, Berlin NH, Biddeford ME, Boston MA, Cambridge MA, Central Falls RI, Chicopee MA, Connecticut, Demography, Dudley MA, Fall River MA, Fitchburg MA, Haverhill MA, Holyoke MA, Killingly CT, Language and Linguistics, Lawrence MA, Lewiston ME, Lowell MA, Maine, Manchester NH, Marlboro MA, Massachusetts, Nashua NH, New Bedford MA, New England, New Hampshire, Nonfiction, Nonfiction -- Language and Linguistics, North Adams MA, Old Town ME, Pawtucket RI, Providence RI, Québec, Rhode Island, Saco ME, Salem MA, Southbridge MA, Spencer MA, Springfield MA, Taunton MA, Vermont, Ware MA, Warwick RI, Waterbury CT, Waterville ME, Webster MA, Woonsocket RI, Worcester MA
- Author: Van de Bogart, Erik
Date: 1976 July/August
Publication: Public Telecommunications Review
Volume: 4
Language: English
Find in a Library: 1791074
- Author: Blouin, Jean (animateur)
- Author: Myette, Jean-Pierre (animateur)
- Author: SocieÌteÌ Radio-Canada
Date: 1984-09-03
Language: fr
Find in a Library: 61222660
Tags: Albany NY, Auburn ME, Biddeford ME, Bristol CT, Burlington VT, Business and Economics, Central Falls RI, Champlain NY, Chazy NY, Cohoes NY, Concord MA, Education, Emigration and Immigration, Essex VT, Ethnicity and Collective Identity, Farming and Agriculture, Folklore, Forestry, Fort Kent ME, Greene ME, Hardwick VT, Holyoke MA, Irish Americans, Italian Americans, Jewish Americans, Language and Linguistics, Lawrence MA, Lewiston ME, Lowell MA, Madawaska ME, Madison ME, Manchester NH, Mills and Mill Work, New England, Nonfiction, Nonfiction -- History -- Documentary, Old Orchard Beach ME, Old Town ME, Orono ME, Plattsburgh NY, Québec, Radio, Saco ME, Schenectady NY, St. John River Valley, Troy NY, US Midwest, Van Buren ME, Violence, Waterford NY, Winooski VT, Woonsocket RI, Worcester MA
- Author: The Maine I. D.E.A.
Date: 1980
Language: English et français
Find in a Library: 191091577
- Author: DeCourcy, Sr. Theresa
Date: 1972 (?)
Language: English
Find in a Library: Unknown/Inconnu
Tags: Acadians, Auburn ME, Augusta ME, Bangor ME, Benedicta ME, Biddeford ME, Education, Ellsworth ME, Emigration and Immigration, Ethnicity and Collective Identity, Exploration and Colonization, Fort Kent ME, Frenchville ME, Geography, Irish Americans, Italian Americans, Lewiston ME, Lille ME, Lithuanian Americans, Madawaska ME, Maine, Native Americans, New Brunswick, Newcastle ME, Nova Scotia, Old Town ME, Polish Americans, Portland ME, Portuguese Americans, Religion, Saco ME, Skowhegan ME, St. John River Valley, Syrian Americans, Waterville ME, Whitefield ME
- Author: Allen, Scott
Date: 1987 January 9
Publication: Maine Times
Volume: 1
Language: English
Tags: Acadians, Aroostook County ME, Ashland ME, Auburn ME, Biddeford ME, Business and Economics, Eagle Lake ME, Emigration and Immigration, Forestry, Fort Kent ME, Government and Politics, Lewiston ME, Madawaska ME, Maine, New Brunswick, Portage Lake ME, Presque Isle ME, Religion, Saco ME, St. John River Valley, Van Buren ME
- Author: Julien, Barbara
- Author: Coyne, Nona
Date: 1980 Summer
Publication: Salt : Journal of New England Culture
Volume: 5
Language: English
Find in a Library: 3741189
- Author: East, Elyssa Cleo
Date: 2000
Book Title: Salt Omnibus
Language: en
Tags: Alcohol and Drugs, Alton ME, Bethel ME, Biddeford ME, Bucksport ME, Chelsea ME, Community: Customs and Social Life, Cumberland Mills ME, Friendship ME, Harrison ME, Lewiston ME, Limington ME, Maine, Mechanic Falls ME, Montville ME, Music, Nobleboro ME, Nonfiction, Nonfiction -- History -- Documentary, North Yarmouth ME, Portland ME, Québec, Saco ME, Skowhegan ME, South Waldoboro ME, Standish ME, Steep Falls ME
- Author: Giguère, Madeleine
Date: 1974
Institution: University of Maine at Portland-Gorham
Language: en
Find in a Library: 2146676
Tags: Ashland ME, Auburn ME, Augusta ME, Bangor ME, Berwick ME, Biddeford ME, Brewer ME, Brunswick ME, Caribou ME, Chelsea ME, Eagle Lake ME, Education, Fairfield ME, Fort Fairfield ME, Fort Kent ME, Frenchville ME, Gorham ME, Grand Isle ME, Jackman ME, Jay ME, Kennebunk ME, Kittery ME, Lewiston ME, Limestone ME, Lisbon ME, Livermore Falls ME, Madawaska ME, Madison ME, Mexico ME, Millinocket ME, Nonfiction, Nonfiction -- Social Sciences, Nonfiction -- Sociology, Old Orchard Beach ME, Old Town ME, Portland ME, Presque Isle ME, Rumford ME, Saco ME, Sanford ME, Skowhegan ME, South Berwick ME, South Portland ME, St. Agatha ME, St. Francis ME, Topsham ME, Van Buren ME, Wallagrass ME, Waterville ME, Webster ME, Westbrook ME, Winslow ME, Winthrop ME
- Author: Salmond, John
Date: 2002
Language: en
Find in a Library: 56424876
Find Online: OL8166385M
Read: Preview
Tags: Alabama, Augusta ME, Biddeford ME, Burlington NC, Burlington VT, Business and Economics, Community: Customs and Social Life, Connecticut, Danielson CT, Dighton MA, Easthampton MA, Ethnicity and Collective Identity, Fall River MA, Georgia, Government and Politics, Greenville SC, Hogansville GA, Irish Americans, Italian Americans, Labor History, Lawrence MA, Lewiston ME, Ludlow MA, Maine, Massachusetts, Mills and Mill Work, New Bedford MA, New England, New Hampshire, Newman GA, Nonfiction, Nonfiction -- History -- Economic and Industrial, Nonfiction -- History -- Labor and Social, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia PA, Polish Americans, Portuguese Americans, Putnam CT, Rhode Island, Saco ME, Saylesville RI, Scottish Americans, Social History, South Carolina, Tennessee, Vermont, Violence, Virginia, Willimantic CT, Woonsocket RI
- Author: Hendrickson, Dyke
Date: 1980
Language: en
Find in a Library: 6627420
Find Online: OL4117174M
Tags: Augusta ME, Biddeford ME, Caribou ME, Eagle Lake ME, Fall River MA, Farming and Agriculture, Forestry, Fort Kent ME, Labor History, Lawrence MA, Lewiston ME, Madawaska ME, Manchester NH, Mansfield MA, Manville RI, Methuen MA, Mills and Mill Work, New Brunswick, New Orleans LA, Nonfiction, Nonfiction -- History -- Labor and Social, Pawtucket RI, Personal History: Biography and Oral History, Religion, Rochester NH, Saco ME, Sand Hill ME, Sanford ME, Somersworth NH, Springvale ME, War, Waterville ME, Westbrook ME, Winooski VT, Woonsocket RI
- Author: Roby, Yves
Date: 2007
Language: fr
Find in a Library: 129578408
Find Online: OL22258898M
Tags: Bedford NH, Berlin NH, Blackstone River Valley, Burlington VT, Business and Economics, Central Falls RI, Chicopee MA, Connecticut, Connecticut River Valley, Demography, Emigration and Immigration, Fall River MA, Farming and Agriculture, Fitchburg MA, Forestry, Haverhill MA, Holyoke MA, La Beauce QC, Language and Linguistics, Lawrence MA, Lowell MA, Madawaska ME, Manchester NH, Massachusetts, Merrimack River Valley, Nashua NH, New Bedford MA, New Hampshire, New York, Nonfiction, Nonfiction -- History -- General, Nonfiction -- Immigration, North Adams MA, Old Town ME, Orono ME, Pawtucket RI, Pawtuxet River Valley, Providence RI, Québec, Religion, Rhode Island, Rouse's Point VT, Saco ME, Salem MA, Southbridge MA, Springfield MA, St. Albans VT, Taunton River Valley, Vermont, Warwick RI, Waterbury CT, Winooski VT, Woonsocket RI, Worcester MA
- Author: Guignard, Michael J.
Date: 1982
Language: en
Find in a Library: 11210512
Find Online: OL3006097M
Tags: Acculturation and Assimilation, Biddeford ME, Business and Economics, Demography, Emigration and Immigration, Ethnicity and Collective Identity, Geography, Government and Politics, Labor History, Language and Linguistics, Nonfiction, Nonfiction -- History -- Labor and Social, Nonfiction -- History -- Local, Religion, Saco ME, Saco River Valley, Social History
- Author: Turner, Loretta M.
Date: 1993
Language: en
Find in a Library: 31033874
Find Online: OL10810066M
- Author: Moran, William (speaker)
Date: 2002 October 26
Language: English
Find in a Library: 174144-1 (C-SPAN Video Library)
Tags: Acculturation and Assimilation, Biddeford ME, Boston MA, Business and Economics, Connecticut, Emigration and Immigration, Farming and Agriculture, Gender and Sexuality, Great Britain, Ireland, Labor History, Lawrence MA, Lewiston ME, Lowell MA, Manchester NH, Mills and Mill Work, Nashua NH, New Bedford MA, Personal History: Biography and Oral History, Québec, Saco ME, Saco River Valley, Social History, Sports and Leisure, Waltham MA
- Author: Richard, Mark Paul
Date: 2010-12-00
Publication: American Review of Canadian Studies
Volume: 40
Language: en
Find in a Library: 690210682
Read: Full text
Tags: Acculturation and Assimilation, Alberta, Auburn ME, Barre VT, Bath ME, Biddeford ME, Canada, Central Falls RI, Colorado, Connecticut, Demography, Emigration and Immigration, Ethnicity and Collective Identity, Fall River MA, Government and Politics, Greenville ME, Lawrence MA, Lewiston ME, Lowell MA, Maine, Manchester NH, Manitoba, Massachusetts, Michigan, Montana, New Brunswick, New England, New Hampshire, New York, Nonfiction, Nonfiction -- History -- Labor and Social, Ontario, Oregon, Québec, Religion, Rhode Island, Saco ME, Saskatchewan, Toronto ON, United States, Vermont, Violence, Washington, Woonsocket RI, Worcester MA
- Author: Hendrickson, Dyke
Date: 2010 October 17
Publication: Sun Journal
Language: English
- Author: Richardson, John
Date: 2010 November 4
Publication: Portland Press Herald
Language: English
Find in a Library: 9341113
- Author: Beaupré, Normand R.
Date: 1982
Language: English and français
Find in a Library: 21332161
- Author: Downs, Jacques M.
Date: 1985
Language: en
Find in a Library: 12419914
Find Online: OL2535469M
Tags: Art and Architecture, Biddeford ME, Business and Economics, Casco ME, Community: Customs and Social Life, Death and Disaster, Education, Emigration and Immigration, England, Ethnicity and Collective Identity, Exploration and Colonization, Falmouth ME, Fishing, Folklore, Forestry, France, Government and Politics, Ireland, Journalism, Kennebunk ME, Kittery ME, Labor History, Lowell MA, Massachusetts, Merrimack River Valley, Mills and Mill Work, Native Americans, Nonfiction, Nonfiction -- History -- Local, Nonfiction -- History -- Pictorial, Old Orchard Beach ME, Portland ME, Portsmouth NH, Québec, Religion, Saco ME, Saco River Valley, Scotland, Social History, Sports and Leisure, War, Winter Harbor ME, York ME
- Author: Moran, William
Date: 2002
Language: en
Find in a Library: 49627749
Find Online: OL9515646M
Read: Preview
Tags: Acculturation and Assimilation, Biddeford ME, Boston MA, Business and Economics, Connecticut, Death and Disaster, Emigration and Immigration, England, Ethnicity and Collective Identity, Farming and Agriculture, Gender and Sexuality, Great Britain, Ireland, Labor History, Lawrence MA, Lewiston ME, Lowell MA, Manchester NH, Mills and Mill Work, Nashua NH, New Bedford MA, New England, Nonfiction, Nonfiction -- History -- Economic and Industrial, Nonfiction -- History -- Labor and Social, Personal History: Biography and Oral History, Québec, Religion, Saco ME, Saco River Valley, Social History, Sports and Leisure, Waltham MA
- Author: Robbins, Rhea Côté (editor)
- Author: Petrie, Lanette Landry (editor)
- Author: Langellier, Kristin (editor)
- Author: Slott, Kathryn (editor)
Date: 1995
Language: en; fr
Find in a Library: 34344246
Tags: Acadians, Albany NY, Art and Architecture, Bangor ME, Barre VT, Biddeford ME, Blue Hill ME, Bradley ME, Brewer ME, Caribou ME, Chicago IL, Criticism and Review, Crown Point IN, Eagle Lake ME, Emigration and Immigration, Essay, Fairfield ME, Food, Fort Kent ME, French Island ME, Frenchville ME, Gender and Sexuality, Gorham ME, Government and Politics, Haiti, Indianapolis IN, Journalism, Laconia NH, Ledyard CT, Lewiston ME, Manchester ME, Mexico ME, Montréal QC, Nonfiction, Nonfiction -- Anthology, Old Orchard Beach ME, Old Town ME, Performing Arts, Portland ME, Religion, Rumford ME, Saco ME, Sand Hill ME, Scarborough ME, St. Albans VT, St. John River Valley, Van Buren ME, Vermont, War, Waterville ME, Westbrook ME